I John on F.I.R.E, Paperback
""Ken Burge has prepared an excellent treatise using his F. I.R. E method, skillfully handling the text of 1 John. Bible students young and old would profit by examining the author's F. I.R. E. method."" -Dr. Elwood H. Chipchase, President, Encouragement Ministries Rather than telling you what the book of I John teaches, ""I John on F. I.R. E."" imparts the skills to discover its life-changing message for yourself. Students of the Bible will journey through I John, one paragraph at a time, applying the four F. I.R. E. principles: Familiarity: Learn to ask probing questions and become intimately acquainted with each passage. Interpretation: Determine the intended meaning of the text. Relationship: Consider the passage within its context of 1 John and beyond, to the whole of Scripture. Employment: Consider how God can employ you to do His will through your new understanding of the text. Through this creative approach to inductive Bible study, readers will gain lifelong skills to grow in maturity as a disciple of Jesus, applying the Living Word in powerful new ways. Bio Ken J. Burge, Sr. (BA, Washington Bible College; MA and MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary) is passionate about finding the lost and training the found with his F. I.R. E. method of Bible study. ""This workable and practical exposition of 1 John contains invaluable truths and wisdom."" -Rev. Robert W. Rodgers, executive director, Northwest Independent Church Extension ""1 John on F. I.R. E."" is a splendid combination of method and application. This book lights up I John and gives you the tools to illuminate the rest of God's Word."" -Nathan Keeran, principal, Belair Baptist Christian Academy