Don't Quit Before You Finish: Serving Well and Finishing Strong, Paperback
This book addresses the key elements to Christian leadership. The more than 70 principles included could well apply to anyone in a leadership position in an organization today. The focus is on knowing that God has designed for you to be in a position of leadership and identifying the role of a leader, addressing the principles of change and other challenges leaders face. There is a crisis in Christian leadership today that is widespread. Many begin in ministry and then fail in their leadership roles. Why does that happen? How do you resolve the issues that are pitfalls for ministry leaders? What are the keys to developing the kind of relationships that will insure success in leadership? How do you deal with the monumental and systemic changes we face in the world today? Everything in our world is changing faster today than ever before and the changes are such that we will never be the same again. Morals, ethics, religious attitudes and convictions are in flux. How can one navigate the turmoil in every aspect of our culture today successfully? That is what this book is about. Most of the failures in leadership are self-inflicted. Failing is rarely the fault of those we serve. This book is designed to help every leader examine their own lives and implement the tools presented in this book, with the character to sustain them.