The Magnificent Story of a Lame Author, Paperback
When I was growing up, I pictured myself as a nurse, an olympian, an astronaut...but never handicapped. I just didn't see that coming. I was as happy and enthusiastic to greet this new challenge, as I would be a swarm of bees. It can be very hard to accept great trial with open arms. I might be lame, but my story isn't. Nearly seven years ago at the age of 28, my body suddenly disintegrated underneath me. My doctors had no idea why my previously healthy body was imploding. I was a spunky young wife and mother stunned by her new circumstances. Discovering the cause offered no cure. What now? Where do I go from here? When I'm overwhelmed by this burden, and I'm too heavy to forge ahead, the hand of God lifts me and leads me on. My journey is incredibly hard, but immeasurably blessed by God. Impossible situations give God opportunity to shine and us an opportunity to trust. Miracles wouldn't be miracles if they were possible. You know the phrase, -When life gives you lemons...make lemonade.- I'll give you a new one. When life throws you dung, use it as fertilizer to grow your mustard seed of faith. It may move a mountain or grant you the strength to traverse over it. This story is about building an unconditional faith in God even during the most grueling moments of my life. I'm finding beauty and hope along a rugged path I never would have chosen for myself.