Celeste's Garden Delights: Discover the Many Ways a Garden Can Nurture You, Paperback
You've heard it: You are what you eat. The evidence is mounting that what you put into your mouth matters. What better way is there to know exactly what you are eating than to grow some of your own food or get to know your farmer? Celeste has decades of experience providing good, nutritious food for her family. You can do it Celeste's Garden Delights will show you how to grow, can, ferment, freeze, dry and root cellar fresh produce. If you can't do it all, just do what you can. Start small. Even if you live in an apartment, you can grow a tomato plant or two in pots on the balcony or patio. Or, you can take a few hours in the summer to buy and prepare berries or corn for your freezer. If you have a lawn and would like to make part of it into a garden, the section on No-Till Gardening will tell you how. Thinking about keeping chickens? Read the section on Backyard Chickens to see if it's something you truly want to do. Food is usually less expensive when it is in season. Get together with some friends to take advantage of bulk buying. Farmers generally give you good discounts if you buy large quantities or ""seconds"" (food with a few bruises). You can do it There's no better feeling than having an actual relationship with your food. Homegrown and homemade (or locally grown and made) are truly the best.