Don't Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction, Paperback
""Dr. Patrick Carnes is a creative, pioneering, and courageous human being. His books arechanging the lives ofthousands "" ""I lost three marriages, all because of affairs.""I became suicidal because of multiple intenseinvolvements."" ""I spent money on sex when Ineeded it for children's clothes."" ""Ilost promotion opportunities and a specialscholarship because my co-workers found out about my sexlife."" Every day they face the possibility ofdestruction, risking their families, fiances, jobs, dignity, and health. They come from all walksof life: ministers, physicians, therapists, politicians, executives, blue-collar workers. Most wereabused as children--sexually, physically oremotionally--and saw addictive behavior in their earlylives. Most grapple with other addictions as well, but their fiercest battle is with the mostastounding prevalent ""secret"" disorder in America: sexual addiction. Here is a ground-breakingwork by the nation's leading professional expert onsexual addiction, based on the candid testimony ofmore than one thousand recovering sexual addictsin the first major scientific study of thedisorder. This essential volume includes not only therevealing findings of Dr. Carne's research withrecovering addicts but also advice from the addicts andco-addicts themselves as they work to overcometheir compulsive behavior. Positive, hopeful, andpractical, Don't Call It Love isa landmark book that helps us better understandall addictions, their causes, and the difficult pathto recovery.""