The Death of Christian Thought: The Deception of Humanism and How to Protect Yourself, Paperback
We are being lied to--and many professing Christians are buying the lies. Your eternal soul may be at stake. The Bible foretells a great deception and falling away from the faith in the latter days where absolute truth is discounted and moral relativism is elevated: Humanism The clever deception of Humanism has completely taken over government, media and public education, and has infiltrated the visible church so strongly that many churches differ little in their beliefs and teachings from the humanist views of the world. This book will open your eyes to the rampant deception around us and help you correctly interpret the Word of God so you can stand strong in your faith to the end. It will help you open the eyes of family and friends who fall for the deception of Humanism, and point them to the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. It will teach you how to take your thoughts captive in obedience to Christ and live a life of joy, peace and obedience to God. You will see how God designed our brain, heart and conscience to work, and how the truth of the Bible and the Holy Spirit can help you live a life of joy and peace as the world continues to spin out of control.