Net Making, Paperback
Anyone who has attempted to make a net quickly learns that there is more to this engaging craft than initially meets the eye. In a perfect world, one would master the subtleties of net-making with a teacher standing nearby for guidance. Short of that, a book by a seasoned teacher is the next best thing, which is what makes Charles Holdgate's Net Making such an excellent guide. Mr. Holdgate, a beloved teacher and schoolmaster, has taught countless students one-on-one how to make nets. He really knows how to explain the techniques that will help you make great nets. In Net Making, Mr. Holdgate brings his years of experience making nets and teaching this craft to create a first-rate guide. Offering clear directions and many easy-to-follow diagrams and illustrations, Holdgate demystifies the ancient art of net making to make it accessible to everyone. Learn how to create your own hammocks, crab pots, basketball nets, shoulder bags, shopping bags, and more. Inside you will find: Fool-proof instructions on making a variety of practical nets Tips on modifying your netted accessories Helpful photos and easy-to-follow diagrams Guidance on tying basic knots and essential net making skills Instructions so clear you can make the perfect net on the first try This guide is both easy-to-follow for those coming to this craft for the first time, and comprehensive enough to hold the interest of advanced net maker as well. Find out why Charles Holdgate's Net Making has been the guide for a generation of net makers.