Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption, Paperback
""There was a time I believed prisons existed to rehabilitate people, to make our communities safer. . . . When I saw for the first time (but not the last) a mother sobbing and clutching her son when visiting hours were up, only to be physically pried off and escorted out by guards, I knew nothing about that made me safer. This is the heart of this country's prison system. And the prison system has become the heart of America.""Walidah Imarisha, from the Introduction.""Angels with Dirty Faces"" is no romanticized tale of crime and punishment. The three lives in this creative nonfiction account are united by the presence of actual harmsometimes horrific violence. Imarisha, dealing with the complexities of her own experience with sexual assault and accountability, brings us behind prison walls to visit her adopted brother Kakamia and his fellow inmate Jimmy Mac Mc Elroy, a member of the brutal Irish gang the Westies. Together they explore the questions: People can do unimaginable damage to one anotherand then what? What do we as a society do? What might redemption look like?Imarisha doesn t flinch as she guides us through the difficulties and contradictions, eschewing theory for a much messier reality. The result is a nuanced and deeply personal analysis that allows readers to connect emotionally with the lives of people caught up within, and often destroyed by, our criminal justice system. A highly personalized and intimate portrait by a courageous writer who goes beyond cliches and platitudes. This book is a bracing, clear-eyed exploration of one of the most important issues of our time: the growing incarceration rate in the US, and the consequences of this for citizens both inside and outside prison walls. T. J. English, ""New York Times"" best-selling author of ""Where the Bodies Were Buried"" and ""The Westies"" Walidah Imarisha gives us an unvarnished take on prison abolition. Beyond slogans or strategy, we are left with people, in all our imperfections and possibilities. T