The Right Stuff Comes in Black, Too, Hardcover
I was very fortunate to have met the ""Incredible Dr. Mensah, A Genius "" as Ebony Magazine describes him because as an Executive at Verizon Wireless Corporation a Giant in the Telecommunication and Internet, space I know first-hand what Fiber Optics has meant to our industry and anyone who uses the smartphone or mobile devices to access our modern day internet. Fiber Optics impact on the explosive growth of the Internet globally is incalculable. Fiber Optics, one of the key innovations in this century, has brought us companies in the Social Media space like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and helped launch search companies like Google Inc, etc. These companies rely on fiber optics to transmit Voice, data, video, photos, etc. at the speed of light. Dr. Thomas Mensah is one of the key innovators and inventors of Fiber Optics, with 7 patents awarded in six year time frame. These patents led to the spread of fiber optics in the US and abroad, due to the reduction of manufacturing costs of the fiber that led to the replacement of copper cables with this more efficient media with greater bandwidth. Dr. Mensah can be placed in the same category like Bill Gates of Microsoft, Vint Cerf of Google, Elon Musk of space X and Steve Jobs of Apple all great innovators in the Internet age. His inventions produced ultra strong optical fibers used in undersea cables that connect continents and countries, thereby extending the global reach of the modern day internet. Charles Henry, Vice President Verizon Wireless.