Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time, Paperback
Exhausted with trying to ""fix"" the church? It's time to turn in a new direction: back to the Holy Spirit. In this insightful book, internationally renowned scholar and leader Alan Roxburgh urges Christians to follow the Spirit into our neighborhoods, re-engage with the mission of God, and re-imagine the whole enterprise of church. Joining God, Remaking Church, and Changing the World can guide any church -- large or small, suburban or urban, denomination-level or local parish -- to become a vital center for spirituality and mission.- Distills the best of mission wisdom for laity and clergy today- Roxburgh is a leading voice shaping church life ecumenically and globally Alan Roxburgh offers deep hope and concrete steps forward for churches struggling with life in a post-Christian culture. By entering more deeply into the stories of the Bible, our own stories, and the lives of our neighbors, we join God's life in the world. This is one of the most helpful books I have read, full of clear analysis and practical wisdom.-- Dwight Zscheile, associate professor of congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary and author of People of the Way and The Agile Church Joining God invites you to embark on the journey you always wanted to take. In this book you will find: Courage: Alan Roxburgh is unafraid to admit the unraveling of what we've been and calls us to move into new places. Faith: The Spirit is going ahead of us into our neighborhoods. Ancient/future: The answer isn't flashy promotions but deeper discipleship and community. Hope: When we dare to move outside our walls, we'll find work to do and our calling renewed.-- Philip Clayton, scholar, activist and author of Transforming Christian Theology Drawing on his years of experience with missional church theology and practice, Roxburgh outlines our attempts to end church decline and opens up fresh vision: What if the unraveling of the church is God's way of leading us out of bondage to American culture into God's n