The Hispanic Economics English/Spanish Dictionary of Law & Legal Words, Phrases, and Terms, Paperback
With more than 1, 700 words, terms, and phrases, this dictionary is the most comprehensive compilation of terminology used by lawyers, attorneys, legal assistants, and other professionals in the legal services and law enforcement in the United States. Whether one works as a prosecutor, defense attorney or in other aspects of the legal and law profession, the correct use of Spanish-language words, phrases, and terms is vital. This is the vocabulary of success in business. Learn these words and phrases. Practice using these words and phrases. In short order they will become part of your vocabulary, and others will see that you are fluent in legal and law Spanish and can speak with the assurance that conveys leadership and success. From ""altercation"" (disputa) to ""voidable contract"" (contrato anuable), from ""motion for a new trial"" (peticion para un nuevo juicio) to ""petitioner"" (demandante), from ""injunction"" (prohibicion judicial) to ""failure to appear"" (incumplimiento de comparacer), communicating with Spanish-dominant clients and colleagues is now a breeze. This book is primarily intended for U. S.-born Latinos who are English-dominant. It is also a useful refresher for non-Hispanic Americans who learned Spanish in school, or who want to refresh their legal Spanish vocabulary and usage. This dictionary is as indispensable as a computer password.