A Manual for Developing Humans, Paperback
A Manual for Developing Humans is the third book P. M.H. Atwater was told to write during her third near-death experience. Based entirely on threes, there are no chapters . . . only the development of conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspects to each topic--every topic--for the Manual contains the basics on every level of life--from how to use your mind, develop and use intuition, understand color, sex, relationships, children, how to take out-of-body trips, interact with spirit beings, meditate, bend time, and rethink money. Aliveness jumps from every page--of soil, rocks, mountains, vegetation, the air we breathe, our planet, our solar system, our universe--even electricity and energy itself, along with The Void (the ultimate -cradle of creation-). Each of six main parts are separated by thought-form drawings. What she learned from 80 years of living and challenging every aspect of living is interwoven into what -The Voice Like None Other- showed her how to do. A Manual for Developing Humans is filled with surprises.