The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking, Paperback
Allen Carr s Easyway is the most effective stop-smoking method of all time and it has now been successfully applied to a wide range of other issues. Here the method focuses on one of the fastest-growing problems of modern times: women s drinking. Alcohol blights women s lives often in a different way to men s: women tend to stay at home drinking alcohol; women often feel particular shame over drinking too much; drinking around children can be a particular burden; in summary there are a lot of added pressures on women to stop drinking and often they feel this is an impossible task. Luckily, Allen Carr s Easyway makes it easy to stop drinking. It s the tried-and-tested cessation method that really works. With startling insight into why women drink and clear, simple, step-by-step instructions, Allen Carr shows you the way to escape from the alcohol trap in the time it takes to read this book. A unique method that does not require will power. Stop easily, immediately, painlessly and permanently. This book removes the psychological need to drink. Regain control of your life.""