The Federalist Papers: The Ideas That Forged the American Constitution: Slip-Case Edition, Hardcover
Considered to be perhaps the most significant America contribution to political thought, The Federalist Papers first appeared in New York newspapers in 1787 under the collective pseudonym of 'Publius'. The aim of the 85 essays was to support the ratification of America s new Constitution and they consisted of 175, 000 words. This edition presents edited highlights in a sumptuous silk bound gift edition with decorative slipcase. Thomas Jefferson called The Federalist Papers 'the best commentary on the principles of government which has ever been written'. This book features edited highlights of the essays which persuaded American voters to back the Constitution and thus enabled power-sharing between the State and Federal authorities which has stood the United States of America in good stead ever since. A lovely edition to buy to keep or to give as a gift. The painless way to absorb the arguments that lay behind the adoption of the US Constitution. Luxury edition with real cloth slipcase featuring foil blocking.""