World Heritage Sites: A Complete Guide to 1,031 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Paperback
Reviews of previous editions: ""No school, public, or academic library could go wrong including the very affordable World Heritage Sites in both reference and circulating collections."" -- Booklist ""This treasure trove of a book... through spectacular photographs, shows how remarkable and beautiful our planet truly is. An excellent (and affordable) addition to any library."" -- Library Journal Over 60, 000 copies of all previous editions of World Heritage Sites have sold. This seventh edition fully updates the book to add the 24 sites newly inscripted into the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2015. The 24 new inscriptions include: Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque Hydraulic System, Mexico Baekje Historic Areas, Republic of Korea Baptism Site ""Bethany Beyond the Jordan"" (Al-Maghtas), Jordan Champagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars, France Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site, Norway Singapore Botanical Gardens The Forth Bridge, UK Blue and John Crow Mountains, Jamaica. World Heritage sites are judged under strict criteria with a view to the aim that they reflect the world's cultural and natural diversity and are of outstanding universal value. This is the seventh edition of a proven seller. World Heritage Sites attracts a general readership as well as travelers and those with an interest in natural or human history, the Earth sciences, geography, conservation of the environment, wildlife and habitats; and planning and preservation.