The Art of Roughhousing: Good Old-Fashioned Horseplay and Why Every Kid Needs It, Paperback
Everywhere you look, physical play--what some might call ""roughhousing""--is being marginalized. Gym classes are getting shorter. Recess periods are being eliminated. Some new schools don't even have playgrounds. Is it any wonder children retreat to ""virtual horseplay"" via video games? But Drs. Anthony T. De Benedet and Lawrence J. Cohen are here to shake things up--literally With The Art of Roughhousing, they show how rough-and-tumble play can nurture close connections, solve behavior problems, boost confidence, and more. Drawing inspiration from gymnastics, martial arts, ballet, traditional sports, and even animal behavior, the authors present dozens of illustrated activities for children and parents to enjoy together--everything from the ""Sumo Dead Lift"" to the ""Rogue Dumbo."" These delightful games are fun, free, and contain many surprising health benefits for parents. So put down those electronic games and get ready to rumble