God's Love Letters to You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience, Paperback
Dear (your name here), I love you. Love, God. What if you had a letter from the Lord of the Universe, written specifically to you with unique insight into who He is and what He has planned for you?What if you could enter into a real conversation with the God of the Bible?WELL, YOU DO. AND YOU CAN. The greatest love letters of all time did not come from the pen of a playwright or the mouth of a poet. They weren't formed on warped sheets of music or with the quills of romantics. These letters come from the Word of the Almighty God. Based on 66 Love Letters --Dr. Larry Crabb's intimate conversation with God--this devotional experience offers the chance to completely change the way you think about love. Give yourself forty days to fall head-over-heels in love with the Savior who calls you by name and welcomes you into a sweeping, incredible relationship with Him. Discover the language and story of true love as it was originally intended--personal letters from God to you.