Love, Stargirl, Paperback
The New York Times bestselling sequel to Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli's modern-day classic Stargirl Love, Stargirl picks up a year after Stargirl ends and reveals the new life of the beloved character who moved away so suddenly at the end of Stargirl. The novel takes the form of -the world's longest letter, - in diary form, going from date to date through a little more than a year's time. In her writing, Stargirl mixes memories of her bittersweet time in Mica, Arizona, with involvements with new people in her life. In Love, Stargirl, we hear the voice of Stargirl herself as she reflects on time, life, Leo, and - of course - love. Don't miss Jerry Spinelli's latest novel, The Warden's Daughter, about another girl who can't help but stand out. -Spinelli is a poet of the prepubescent. . . . No writer guides his young characters, and his readers, past these pitfalls and challenges and toward their futures with more compassion.- --The New York Times From the Hardcover edition.