The Endless Forest, Paperback
A rich, passionate, multilayered portrayal of family strength and endurance from bestselling author Sara Donati In the spring of 1824, in the remote village of Paradise on the New York frontier, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Bonner celebrate a glorious reunion as their children return from far-off places: Lily and her husband from Italy, and Martha Kirby, the Bonners ward, from Manhattan. In the peace that follows a devastating flood, childhood friends Martha and Daniel, Lily s twin brother, suddenly begin to see each other in a new light. But their growing bond is threatened when Martha s estranged mother arrives back in Paradise. Jemima Southern is a dangerous schemer who has destroyed more than one family, and her anger touches everyone, as do her secrets. Has Jemima come to claim her daughter or does she have other, darker motives? Whatever transpires, Martha, Daniel, and all the Bonners must stand united against the threats to both heart and home.""