The Very Best of Malcolm Muggeridge, Paperback
This definitive treasury of the best of Malcolm Muggeridge is drawn from all sources: books, essays, journalism, broadcasts, scripts, diaries and letters spanning his sixty year career from 1926-1986. Some material, collected by Muggeridge in the early 1980's has never previously been published. Ian Hunter has collected short, pungent pieces chosen to exhibit the essential cast of Muggeridge's mind: his insights, wit and singular capacity to see 'with, not through' the eye. In a single volume, this is the essential wisdom of Malcolm Muggeridge, perhaps the most prophetic and individualistic thinker of his generation, standing beside G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis. Ian Hunter is Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Western Ontario. His articles and reviews have appeared in many Canadian and American publications. Dr. Hunter has also written a biography of Muggeridge (Malcolm Muggeridge: A Life) and Muggeridge's friend, Hesketh Pearson (Nothing to Repent: The Life of Heskerth Pearson).