The Farnsworth Invention, Paperback
Drama Characters: 15 male, 3 female It's 1929. Two ambitious visionaries race against each other to invent a device called ""television."" Separated by two thousand miles, each knows that if he stops working, even for a moment, the other will gain the edge. Who will unlock the key to the greatest innovation of the 20th century: the ruthless media mogul, or the self-taught Idaho farm boy? The answer comes to compelling life in The Farnsworth Invention, the new play from Aaron Sorkin, creator of The West Wing. .."".vintage Sorkin and crackling prime-time theater...breezy and shrewd, smart-alecky and idealistic."" - Newsday.."".a firecracker of a play in a fittingly snap, crackle and pop production under the direction of Des Mc Anuff, the drama has among its many virtues the ability to make you think at the same time that it breaks your heart."" -Chicago Sun-Times""The most exciting new play on Broadway...a rousing theatrical experience."" - MTV News