Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, Paperback
Ray Lawler Characters: 3 male, 4 female Interior Set This compelling Australian play was a success in London and was hailed by critics in New York for its vigor, integrity, and realistic portrayal of two itinerant cane cutters: Barney, a swaggering little scrapper, and Roo, a big roughneck. They have spent the past sixteen summers off with two ladies in a Southern Australian city. Every year Roo has brought a tinsel doll to Olive, his girl, as a gift to symbolize their relationship, but this seventeenth summer is different somehow. Old patterns must be broken, new ways found, as all four lovers come to face certain unpleasant truths about themselves. This unusual, compelling love story was made into a film entitled Season of Passion and starred Academy Award-winners Ernest Borgnine, Anne Baxter, John Mills and Angela Lansbury. ""Always gives the impression of having been written out of the author's heart and soul and because he had something that he passionately wanted to say.""-New York Post