Integritate si onestitate
Chirurgul si cutitul de gheata
Sam Kean
La marginea realitatii (Synthia si Colin Andrews)
Synthia Andrews,Colin Andrews
Povesti cu morala pentru copii
Sanda Arsene
Cazul Ponta - Paperback brosat - Emilia Șercan - Humanitas
Emilia Sercan
Cele 7 obisnuinte ale copiilor fericiti
Sean Covey
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Paperback
L. Ron Hubbard
Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year, Paperback
Writers of the Future, Volume 33, Paperback
Battlefield Earth: Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller, Paperback
Battlefield Earth: Pulse-Pounding Sci-Fi Action, Paperback
Calea spre fericire (DVD)