O iubire secreta in Bucuresti. A Secret Love Affair in Bucharest
Editie bilingva romana-engleza
Between the years 1965 and 1989, Romania was ruled by Nicolae Ceausescu, and all aspects of people's lives, including family, were regulated by the Communist Party. Like Hitler, Stalin and Mao, Ceausescu strictly regulated family life by adopting in 1974 a so-called Code of Ethics and Socialist Education, which prohibited abortion and required women to have four children. Escape to Western countries was also prohibited and was considered defamation of official policy. Of a population of over twenty million, about four million were party members. If a citizen violated the Code, they were submitted to a jury of their comrades, put under investigation, fired from their job and eventually sentenced. Furthermore, in the last years of the Ceausescu regime, there was also an economic crisis and food shortage. During that period, a love outside of marriage, in spite of all dangers, was an oasis of light and hope. This story is based on the real experiences of one of my friends from Bucharest.
Intre anii 1965 si 1989, Romania a fost condusa de Nicolae Ceausescu, iar toate aspectele vietii oamenilor, inclusiv familia, au fost reglementate de Partidul Comunist. La fel ca Hitler, Stalin si Mao, Ceausescu a reglementat strict viata de familie adoptand in 1974 un asa-numit Cod de Etica si Educatie Socialista, care interzicea avortul si impunea femeilor sa aiba patru copii. Evadarea in tarile occidentale a fost, de asemenea, interzisa si a fost considerata defaimare a politicii oficiale. Dintr-o populatie de peste douazeci de milioane, aproximativ patru milioane erau membri ai partidului. Dace un cetatean a incalcat Codul, acesta a fost supus unui juriu al camarazilor lor, a fost pus sub ancheta, a fost concediat de la locul de munca si, in cele din urma, a fost condamnat. Mai mult, in ultimii ani ai regimului Ceausescu, a existat si o criza economica si o lipsa de alimente. In acea perioada, o dragoste in afara casatoriei, in ciuda tuturor pericolelor, a fost o oaza de lumina si speranta. Aceasta poveste se bazeaza pe experientele reale ale unuia dintre prietenii mei din Bucuresti.