Charley Harper 2019 Wall Calendar
The paintings of Charley Harper (American, 1922-2007), a lifelong conservationist, have delighted art and animal lovers for more than six decades. With his distinctive use of geometric shapes, patterns, and vivid colors, Harper distilled the essence of each bird, animal, insect, or tree to its most important details--as he said, "Instead of putting everything in, I try to leave everything out. I call it 'minimal realism.'" Harper's paintings and posters have been published by a variety of nature- and conservation-oriented organizations. With his elegant, minimalist method of depicting wildlife, Harper transported viewers into the natural world via lively but self-described "flat" images. His paintings of various ecosystems and, above all, brilliant birds, emphasized hard-edged simplicity. The twelve images in this calendar will brighten every month of the year. All of Pomegranate's calendars are printed with soy-based inks on FSC(R) certified paper, which means the paper has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council(TM) and manufactured by an FSC certified printer. FSC certification promotes responsible forest management by ensuring that forestry practices are environmentally responsible, socially equitable, and economically viable.