Spider-Man's symbiotic sparring partner goes solo as he heads to San Francisco -- but is he deadly villain, or lethal protector?
Find out, along with the Punisher, Daredevil, Iron Man, Hulk, Darkhawk, Juggernaut, Spidey and more! Venom faces madness, vengeance and a bad case of separation anxiety -- plus the ultimate symbiote showdown with the psychopathic Carnage! It's a Brock-buster volume that could only be called a Venomnibus!
Venom: Lethal Protector (1993) #1-6, Venom: Funeral Pyre (1993) #1-3, Daredevil (1964) #323, Iron Man (1968) #302, Darkhawk (1991) #35-37, Venom: The Madness (1993) #1-3, Venom: The Enemy Within (1994) #1-3, Incredible Hulk Vs. Venom (1994) #1, Venom: The Mace (1994) #1-3, Nightwatch (1994) #5-6, Venom: Nights of Vengeance (1994) #1-4, Spider-Man: The Arachnis Project (1994) #6, Web of Spider-Man (1985) #118-119, Spider-Man (1990) #52-53, Venom: Separation Anxiety (1994) #1-4, Venom: Carnage Unleashed (1995) #1-4, Material from Silver Sable & the Wild Pack (1992) #18-19, Venom subplot pages.