Duden: Mein erster Wortschatzwurfel, ab 18 Monaten
Six small books on the subjects of "Home", "Shopping", "Vehicles", "My Body", "Farm" and "Play" for children from 18 months. Many cute scenes from everyday life as a child and illustrations of the key words expand the vocabulary while playing, looking, searching and finding.
Cardboard picture books from FISCHER Duden Children's Book accompany children step by step in their linguistic and cognitive development. All picture books are carefully tailored to the respective age group in terms of content and form and support parents and educators in the optimal promotion of their children.
Other titles in the series:
Do you know that? My little learning world
Do you know that? My little world of vehicles
Do you know that? My colorful children's world
Do you know that? My little animal world
do you know that? My colorful color cube
Do you know that? My little daycare world
Duden: My little colorful children's world
Duden: My little comfort and encouragement cube
My little Lieselotte world
Small and colorful: All my animals