The End Of A Living Vampire
The first era in the dark saga of Marvel\x27s living vampire concludes! Morbius must save Martine Bancroft from the other\-dimensional clutches of Helleyes, while CIA agent Simon Stroud stalks him at every turn! In a pair of black\-and\-white vampire tales, Morbius struggles with a desperate attempt to end his bloodlust while facing the undead threat of the Brotherhood of Judas! A Morbius showcase in MARVEL PREVIEW sends the living vampire on the hunt for a brutal murderer in the moors of Slade Mansion! And Morbius joins Man\-Thing, Ghost Rider and the Werewolf by Night in the Legion of Monsters! Plus, team\-ups with the Thing, Spider\-Man and She\-Hulk! Collecting: Fear (1970) 27\-31; Marvel Premiere (1972) 28; Marvel Two\-In\-One (1974) 15; Spectacular Spider\-Man (1976) 6\-8, 38; Savage She\-Hulk (1980) 9\-12; material from Vampire Tales (1973) 9\-11, Annual (1975) 1; Marvel Preview (1975) 8