We can often become governed by our 'to do' lists and forget that we are human 'beings', not human 'doings'. Doing is important, but it is not why we exist. In a world characterized by complexity, ambiguity, disruption and globalization the quality of our being will determine the quality of our experience. This is true in all walks of life but has heightened significance in the leadership domain.
As a leader, the risk of being dominated by 'doing' can cause you to lose touch with the essential qualities required to provide great leadership. In The Power of Being, popular author and leadership coach Ben Renshaw blends six principles with compelling calls to action. Drawing upon engaging stories and rich insight from interviewing C-suite leaders across a range of sectors, the author reveals the few core truths required to lead in an age of fast change.Ben Renshaw
One of today’s foremost leadership thinkers Benʼs innovative work with leading organisations, senior executives and entrepreneurs has brought him international acclaim. He travels the world bringing out the best in people across education, government and healthcare. His latest book is LEAD! Be Inspired. Inspire Others. It consists of 50 leadership lessons bringing together Ben’s rich insights and practical experience, inspiring you to be the best leader you can be. Based on twenty years of coaching top-level leaders in FTSE 100 companies such as Coca-Cola, Heathrow, Heinz, Home-Retail Group, IHG, Sky and Unilever, Renshaw infuses LEAD! with the real business at hand: how to lead with purpose and authenticity in order to increase your leadership impact.
The corporate world is filled with executives who have worked hard for years to reach the upper levels of management. They are intelligent, skilled, and even charismatic. But only a handful of them will ever reach the pinnacle. In LEAD! Ben Renshaw shows how in 50 concise steps you can accelerate your leadership leadership development in meaningful ways. I encourage all executives to read this book.
- Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, and corporate America’s pre-eminent Executive Coach