Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies 2nd Edition
Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies is a reference guide written to educate, inspire and empower pregnant women or anyone assisting them, including midwives and doulas.
Updated edition! In this book you will find essential oil recommendations for common conditions with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant care.
While many pharmaceutical drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy or by infants, many essential oils are highly effective and safe for maternal and infant ailments. This book is written for prospective and new mothers and their babies during the complete 9 months before and 9 months after delivery.
Author Information: Stephanie Fritz, CPM, has assisted women in childbirth since 1985, attending both hospital and home births as a Licensed Midwife (LM) and Certified Professional Midwife (CPM). She is also an author, public speaker, essential oil educator, and aromatherapy technique trainer.
Table of Contents:
Introduction What is an Essential Oil? Independently Tested Therapeutic Grade Methods of Using Essential Oils Categories of Essential Oils Fertility Nutrition First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester Labor and Birth Postpartum Newborns Well Baby Care Postpartum Depression Miscarriage Everyday Routine Pregnancy and Birth Kit Suggestions Basic Midwife Kit Essential Midwife Kit Premium Midwife Kit Sources About the Author Index