English Religious Poetry
The fifteen poems in this volume are prefaced by ample excursions primarily in cultural terms; they, probably the best religious poems in the English language, are then supplemented by textual approaches which come complete with grammar-oriented commentaries. Execises, of a diverse nature, fill in an overall picture graced with drawings by Gustave Dor. Cele cincisprezece poezii antologate in acest volum sunt prefatate de ample incursiuni in orizonturile culturale specifice; ele sunt continuate cu demersuri textuale, de asemenea, cu comentarii gramaticale, lexicale si stilistice. Numeroase exercitii cu o tematica variata completeaza un tablou general infrumusetat de desenele lui Gustave Dore. Scopul didactico-estetic al volumului este sustinut si de ambitia acestui florilegiu de a se constitui intr-o istorie a poeziei engleze, de la inceputuri pana in contemporaneitate.