Revista Essachess Vol.13 Nr.1 din 2020
Essachess. Interpersonal and Inter-linguistic Communication in the Digital Age. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility - Vol.13 No.1 / 2020
Content: - Respeaking : aspects techniques, professionnels et linguistiques du sous-titrage en direct - Context, Field and Landscape of Audiovisual Translation in the Arab World - Inclusion et mediation linguistique : apport des nouvelles technologies de l`information et de la communication - Can Self-organized Criticality Theory help identify Political Mobilization on Social Media?
This special issue of Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies intends to contribute to the existing endeavours in the field and offers its readers, scholars and professionals, a series of novel approaches on Interpersonal and inter-linguistic communication in the digital age, with a focus on digital inclusion and accessibility. As such, the collection of five selected original contributions for this special issue provides in-depth analyses and perspectives on respeaking and live subtitling for deaf and hard-of-hearing, computer aided interpreting, the audio-description landscapes in Russia, Greece, and the Arab world, and last but not least, the contribution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in giving accessibility to population with special needs. Contributori: Elena ALEKSANDROVA, Stephane AMATO, Hassan ATIFI, Natalia BARABASH, Didier COURBET, Eric DACHEUX, Carlo EUGENI, Marie-Pierre FOURQUET-COURBET, Muhammad Y. GAMAL, Andrea GAVA, Daniel GOUJON, William LAMBERT, Haytham SAFAR, Christos STAVROU, Zeineb TOUATI, Martin WILL, Dmitry ZHUKOV