Social Europe and the Media: discourses, perceptions, mentalities - Valentina Pricopie
Editie in limba engleza This volume contains the papers of the International Conference Social Europe and the Media: discourse, perceptions, mentalities, organized in November 2010 by the Social Europe Research Laboratory with the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. The book is intended for researchers and academics, concerned about the European idea in general, and to all those who are interested in the professional and discursive dimensions of the Romanian media in European context. It also invites to inductive reflection about what is Social Europe, and aims to open the debates on this central question that will certainly be the theme of our next meeting. Volumul de fata cuprinde lucrarile Conferintei Internationale Europa Sociala si Mass-Media: discursuri, perceptii, mentalitati organizata in noiembrie 2010 de Laboratorul de Cercetare Europa Sociala din cadrul Institutului de Sociologie al Academiei Romane. Lucrarea se adreseaza cercetatorilor si universitarilor preocupati de ideea europeana in general, dar si tuturor celor interesati de dimensiunile profesionala si discursiva ale mass-media din Romania in context european. Volumul invita, de asemenea, la o reflectie inductiva in ceea ce priveste definirea Europei sociale, dorind astfel sa deschida dezbaterile asupra acestei problematici, care va face obiectul unei conferinte viitoare.