Ispravile lui Pacala - The Adventures of Pacala

Ispravile lui Pacala - The Adventures of Pacala

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Colectia "Povesti minunate, frumos colorate" se imbogateste cu o povestire ce il are ca erou pe Pacala – cel mai cunoscut si mai iubit personaj din literatura noastra populara. Ispravile lui Pacala – The adventures of Pacala aduce si o noutate – varianta in limba engleza a textului. Astfel, cititorii isi vor putea exersa si cunostintele de limba engleza. Fragment din poveste: " Pacala a primit mostenire o vaca. La inceput el s-a bucurat dar dupa putin timp a vazut ca nu este deloc usor sa ai grija de o vaca. In fiecare zi o ducea la pascut si la adapat. Noaptea o pazea sa nu o fure hotii... In scurt timp Pacala s-a saturat de atatea griji si a hotarat sa vanda vaca. Pacala inherited a cow. It made him happy, but he soon realized that it was not easy to look after a cow. He had to take it out to pasture and down to the stream every day and had to watch it during the night so that it would not be stolen. After a short time Pacala got tired of this neverending trouble and decided to sell his cow."

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