Gramatica Limbii Engleze (Florin Musat)
Lucrarea contine : 51 de lectii Pronumele Adjectivul Numeralul Timpurile Articolul Substantivele Topica in propozitie Pluralul substantivelor Diateza activa si pasiva Verbele modale si auxiliare Vorbirea directa si indirecta Intrebarile generale, speciale si disjunctive Pronumele relativ si subordonarea atributiva Exercitii si cheia exercitiilor Fragment: " EXERCISES Exercise 1. Alegeti din urmatoarea serie de verbe doar pe cele regulate si scrieti-le la Past Tense Simple: to work, to learn, to cry, to fly, to try, to do, to have, to be. Exercise 2. Scrieti verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple: a) She (do not) her homework last night. b) Adina (try) to solve the problem yesterday. c) Alin (study) in the library last week. d) Dan (walk) in the park two days ago. e) I (watch) TV every night last week. f) you (listen) to that new song? g) We (play) tennis the whole afternoon yesterday. Exercise 3. Scrieti Past Tense Simple la urmatoarele verbe si formati propozitii: a) to walk, b) to play, c) to work, d) to talk, e) to listen, f) to look, g) to try, h) to do. Exercise 4. Formulati intrebari astfel incat sa raspunda cuvintele subliniate: a) I looked into a magazine last night. b) You watched TV the whole day yesterday. c) Dana played tennis last week. d) She talked to her for an hour the day before yesterday. e) I didn't look at you a few minutes ago. Exercise 5. Scrieti 10 verbe neregulate la Infinitive si la Past Tense Simple. "