Level 4: The Twits - Roald Dahl
Pearson English Kids Readers bring the joy of reading to young learners of English. Children will love discovering the range stories and topics in this series - adventures, fairy tales, popular characters, the world around us. With more than 70 titles across 6 language levels, there is a book to suit every young reader. The marvellous stories of Roald Dahl, re-told for young learners of English Mr and Mrs Twit are bad people. Ugly Mrs Twit likes playing tricks on Mr Twit, and hitting animals and children with her stick. Mean Mr Twit glues birds" feet to trees, and makes poor Muggle-Wump the monkey do tricks upside down for hours every day. One day, the Roly-Poly bird arrives. He wants to help the monkeys. Can the animals turn the terrible Twits upside-down? Re-told by: Jocelyn Potter.