Blurred - Laura Mireanu
Aaron se trezeste intr-un tinut plin de frumusete pura si mister. Aici el gaseste prieteni, intalneste iubirea vietii lui, dar descopera si dusmani. Totul e sub control, pana cand apare un nou personaj iar lucrurile se complica; secrete sunt dezvaluite; prietenii sunt distruse. La 14 ani, Laura Mireanu reprezinta unul dintre cele mai consistente debuturi in proza contemporana. Romanul ”Blurred” (Ed. Integral, 2015), scris direct in limba engleza, constituie o mica revelatie prin tesatura narativa elaborata si matura stapanire a mijloacelor de exprimare scriitoricesti. Nimic nu tradeaza varsta autoarei in aceasta soft dark fantasy, care isi construieste plastic un microunivers coerent si, in acelasi timp, imprevizibil. Adie un aer de Hogwarth... (Dan-Silviu Boerescu) Fragment: “As days passed, Aaron tried to adapt and forget about his previous life. But nothing seemed to work. He kept thinking about it, and couldn"t ignore the question: “Why am I here?" Meantime, he also talked to Amber about it, as they became friends in a quite short while. They had so much in common, and wanted to share their stories and interests with one another. Amber told Aaron about the shops and other entertainment areas and described her friends, so Aaron got a clear picture of their personalities. "So, Raven is an introvert, but I love her like my sister. Then there"s Hunter, which is shy with strangers, but very talkative once you get to know him. That leaves Damon, who is the daredevil type, and who also thinks that I"m his girlfriend, when this is not even true.” "I understand..." Aaron answered, not really paying to her his full attention. Something she could immediately sense. "You know, I"m telling you this because one meeting with them is not enough for you to know their character, especially because you said nothing after we met them.” "Thanks for telling me, now I know their personalities better.” He glanced at her, a kind expression on his face. "What are you thinking about, Aaron?" Amber questioned him, as she sat beside him on the sofa. There came the silence, and Amber immediately knew the answer. "You"re trying to solve the mystery, right?" "You know me too well" Aaron replied, still deeply caught up in his thoughts. "Why, don"t you like it here? You know you"re welcome to stay; mother and I don"t have anything to argue about. Don"t you want to stay here? With your newly acquainted friends?" "I can"t help it, I don"t understand how easily you got over it.” "I didn"t."”