Limba moderna 1 - Engleza. Caietul elevului. Clasa a VII-a. THINK. WORKBOOK, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Oana Stoica, Ioana Tudose, Ioana Adam
This material is in accordance with the 2017 Romanian Curriculum for the subject Modern Language 1. Grades 5-8, approved by ministerial decree No. 3393/2017 [Programa scolara pentru disciplina Limba moderna 1. Clasele a V-a- a Vlll-a, aprobata prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3393/2017].
This publication is the product of the collaboration between Cambridge University Press and Art Klett. Adapted by Art Klett from Think Level 1 Workbook with Online Practice, Think Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice and Think Level 3 Workbook with Online Practice, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones © Cambridge University Press 2015
Autori: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Oana Stoica, Ioana Tudose, Ioana Adam