Snow Thief
When a little boy is found with his neck broken, Lhasa detective Shan Lia leaves her broken past behind and throws herself into the investigation. He is the fifth child to die the same way in as many weeks. But Lia's superiors don't want her looking for a serial killer. They don't want panic and hysteria rolling across the country. They threaten Lia, giving her no choice but to turn her back on bringing the killer to justice. Until another boy is murdered. Then another. Risking her life, Lia pursues the killer. With spies in the monasteries of Tibet and shadowy figures trying to thwart her hunt for justice, Lia faces the edge of the abyss to reveal the Snow Thief but at what terrifying price? The Snow Thief is a gripping novel set in Tibet. Through the eyes of a Chinese police officer the book poses the question of what might happen after the death of the Dalai Lama.