Web Design Playground
Ever wanted to build your own web pages? HTML and CSS are the languages of the web, allowing anyone who knows them to easily customize a website’s look and feel to their liking. Never touched a drop of code before in your life? Don’t worry! If you’re feeling creative, then Web Design Playground has everything you need to get rid of boring boilerplate designs and start building your very own personal corner of the web!Contrary to what you may have heard, learning web design doesn’t need to be boring! Rather than simply provide you with a dry reference of HTML tags and CSS style definitions next to a static screenshot of how they translate into an actual web page, Web Design Playground guides your learning by getting your hands dirty and letting you play in a website built specifically with this book and your learning in mind (the Playground). With the practical exercises and projects, you’ll experiment with and build, you’ll learn everything you need in a fun, relaxed way.