The difficult task to reconcile imagination with experiences, the vivid life of thoughts that is painfully reduced to expressions always serving a purpose different from the one of manifesting beauty or the inner perception of the distances separating desires from matter of fact reality. These poems try to go beyond the simple reduction that daily toils impose for pragmatical statements and explore the feelings for reaching a higher reconciliation of time with inward exploration. Written during a period of working in a foreign country when words seemed to make no differences, the following book is the process to reunite feelings with the faith in the possibility that one's own voice can manifest. Although the environment around the author has remained shaped by voices that speak louder than his, it is nevertheless in the strong desire to record and express the birth of creativity engendered by oppositions that these poems speak, revolting the fear of having to be spoken by single dominant language to the wonderment that lines expressing whispering multitudes create.