Journeys of Simon Beauregard
At the feast to celebrate his newly achieved Warrior Status, Simon Beauregard, aged just sixteen, is told the news that he has been selected to escort his younger sister, Princess Leanda, to Askhelon for her arranged marriage to a much-older Caerwin.Caerwin is the leader of the Humanish Army in Askhelon, which lies on the other side of Ashtar, their unfriendly neighbouring country.With the aid of his Troll friend Tom Icklethorn, Simon, Princess Leanda and her maid Hilda have numerous frightening and exciting experiences, including battling giant ants, before reaching their goal.Here the result is not as anticipated.On his return journey through the Forest of Strange Beasts, Simon rescues two orphan children from war-torn Volscia and hungry vultures. Later he helps to organize combined forces to overcome the dreadful Orcs.