Truth or fiction? Read the facts about the world's biggest conspiracy theories and decide for yourself...This is one of the most compelling and balanced investigations ever made into conspiracies, unearthing every major theory from the political intrigues of the Roman Empire to the scandals of modern times. It covers the New World Order, Donald Trump and Russia, 9/11, the Moon landings, Princess Diana, JFK, mass surveillance, Watergate and much more.Were the 9/11 attacks engineered by a Western cabal?Was the evidence for the Moon landings faked?Why has Donald Trump been both the target and propagator of so many conspiracy theories?Was Princess Diana murdered in a staged car crash?What is really going on at the legendary secret base of Area 51?Could an extra-terrestrial bloodline have been seeded amongst the ruling classes aeons ago?Is there a global governing elite controlling us from the shadows through fear, surveillance and social manipulation?What will happen to individual liberty in a world of enforced micro-chipping and diminishing free speech?