Stormwater Sources, Monitoring and Management is a unique book that identifies sources of stormwater, evaluates stormwater control and monitoring techniques as well as addresses the subject of stormwater management in a aclimate changing' world. From the view point of stormwater as a potential resource, as well as the need to achieve pollution control and sustainability, the book explores the impact of stormwater sources on its quantity, quality and management. It takes a broader look at the issues surrounding sustainable drainage and explores the challenges of monitoring their performance and criteria for evaluating their efficiency. Through contributions from numerous experts in this area of study, from different continents facing diverse stormwater management challenges, this book assesses LID techniques from the viewpoints of quantity, quality, amenity and biodiversity and provides information of stormwater management approaches applied in different parts of the world and how considerations of factors such as environmental protection and forest management, biodiversity and amenity as well as other benefits such as rainwater harvesting and storrmwater recycling are driving adoption of sustainable stormwater management approaches and changing the face of cities and suburban areas. This book is a valuable resource for practitioners, engineers, academics, students and regulators and would be helpful to people who are simply considering installing or have installed stormwater management systems in their residential homes or offices or just curious about the efficiency of stormwater management techniques in their locality