Sight & Sound Vol 30 Issue 03
For this month’s issue, and for the very first time in our near-90 year history, we at Sight & Sound hand the reins over to a guest editor. And we couldn’t be prouder or more excited to say that the special guest in the hot-seat is none other than… Mr Bong Joon Ho, whose latest film, the worldwide critical and commercial smash Parasite, arrives in UK cinemas this week – and is also in the running for the Best Picture at the Academy Awards later this month. Away from the special material chosen by director Bong, the issue also comes laden with the usual riches. We talk to the great Portuguese director Pedro Costa about his luminous, award-winning latest feature, Vitalina Varela.We also look back at the life and work of one of the greatest of all American filmmakers – and arguably its greatest ever director of actors – Elia Kazan.And we talk to the French director Céline Sciamma about her masterful new period romance with a difference, Portrait of a Lady on Fire – a film with a lesbian romance at its centre, and taking place in a work almost entirely devoid of men.Elsewhere, we review all the month’s new cinema releases, including Todd Haynes’s Dark Waters, Justin Kurzel’s True History of the Kelly Gang and Jessica Hausner’s Little Joe. And we catch up with the latest Blu-ray releases – including a terrific new release collecting together many of the films made by the American cult favourite Curtis Harrington. And spotlight the highlights from new TV and streaming, including a broodingly atmospheric adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘horror noir’ The Outsider.In our book reviews pages we hail a magnificent new book about a magnificent film – Sam Wasson’s The Big Goodbye, about the making of Chinatown.And we return to director Bong to round things off, as our Endings column looks again at the haunting closing moments of Bong’s influential 2003 thriller Memories of Murder – a moment that recent real life events have cast in a new light.All this and more. As Bong himself would say, “gamsahabnida” – thank you for reading.