Leadership in War
Andrew Roberts
Strategy Strikes Back: How Star Wars Explains Modern Military Conflict, Hardcover
Max Brooks
A Blueprint for War: FDR and the Hundred Days That Mobilized America, Paperback/Susan Dunn
Susan Dunn
Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam, Hardcover/Mark Bowden
Mark Bowden
Humanitarians at War
Gerald Steinacher
Why the North Won the Civil War, Paperback/David Herbert Donald
David Herbert Donald
Furtuna războiului. O nouă istorie a celui de-al doilea război mondial
Napoleon: A Life, Paperback
Churchill, Hardcover
Churchill: Walking with Destiny, Hardcover/Andrew Roberts
Leadership de razboi
Furtuna Razboiului. O noua istorie a celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial