Ramakrishna on Non-Doership: Extracts from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Paperback/Gautam Sachdeva
"God alone is the doer, and none else..." SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) is one of the most revered sages of 19th century India. A renowned mystic and yogi, he was considered an avatar, a divine incarnation. He was influenced by several ancient spiritual traditions such as Bhakti (which included his supreme devotion toward the goddess Kali), Tantra, and Advaita Vedanta. The most comprehensive work on Ramakrishna and his teachings is The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. The book records conversations between Ramakrishna, his disciples and visitors. The subject of non-doership has echoed through the ages in the Indian scriptures, and also been advocated by spiritual masters. In fact, it is the primary underlying message in the Bhagavad Gita. The light that Ramakrishna shed on the subject in The Gospel has been the specific focus of this small book. When masters like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa consistently point to the teaching of non-doership, it would help to listen to their words with an open mind. Allowing the seeds that have been planted by the teaching to sprout, will enable one to flow through life's brief journey with equanimity. About the Author: Gautam Sachdeva is the author of books on the subject of Advaita (Non-duality). He spent over nine years in close association with renowned Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar, assisting him with the editing and publishing of some of his books. Ramesh's guru was Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, whose famed book I Am That is considered a modern spiritual classic. With the blessings of Ramesh, Gautam went on to write books based on his experience with the teaching. He also shares his experiential understanding of Advaita during talks with groups of like-minded people, with the specific focus of 'peace of mind in daily living'. His books, as well as his talks, display a rare combination of humility and simplicity occasionally peppered with wit and humour. Gautam is the Founder of Yogi Impressions, a publishin