Crown and Jewel/Jeri Massi
In this second fanciful novel which follows The Bridge, Jeri Massi continues the history of the tiny island country of Bracken. Rosewyn is the young princess, daughter of Rosalynn and Herron. Unlike her quiet and gentle mother, Rosewyn is forever climbing trees and drainspouts, knocking down boys who bully her, and getting into trouble. Ready for adventure of any kind, she stumbles into a secret plot against her father's crown. With help from her beautiful, powerful grandmother, she escapes from the castle and begins her adventures in exile. After she and her grandmother are chased by their enemy, the young princess finds refuge in a village of miners. While among these new friends, she seeks to join her grandmother in a last attempt to save the real King and Queen. But a new threat from assassins forces the princess to flee again. All of her courage is put to the test as she fights to save her family and her kingdom. About the Author: Jeri Massi began her career writing fiction for Christian children. The Bracken Trilogy is her most popular set of books. Much of the scenery of the book is based upon the landscape of the Delaware River, where she she spent a summer as a student.