Woman, Thou Too Art Called, Paperback/Cynthia Harris
Description Woman, Thou Too Art Called is a true story of spiritual dilemma, spiritual encounters, tragic moments, and over twenty years of running away from God to escape answering his call to preach. Women are not readily accepted as preachers by men as well as by some women. If a woman has been taught throughout life that this is not the norm, that this is outside the will of God, then what is she to do when she is being pulled in that direction? Thus, the spiritual dilemma evolves. God hates our disobedience. However, because he is so merciful and so full of grace, he gives us chance after chance after chance to come into obedience and subjection to him. He creates situations and circumstances in our lives to get our attention and to bring us to a place of humility and understanding so that he can use us for his glory. The problem is that we don't always want what God wants for us. Hence, the flesh begins to war against the spirit. Like Jonah, who spent three days in the belly of the fish, God will allow us to run only for so long. But in the end, he will have the last word. His will is always done. Oftentimes, people run from situations and their circumstances because of fear. Fear has the tendency to paralyze us and make us see things in the darkest and most negative way. Jonah ran out of fear. I ran because I didn't want to give up my lifestyle. In my finite mind, I thought I was doing just fine. God had other plans, and although he allowed me to run my course, he made sure that in the end, I knew just who was in charge of my life. God is always in complete control.