Man Down
Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Women Are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, everyone is familiar with the cliches; women are bad drivers, only guys play video games. Guess what? Both are wrong. Dan Abrams has now tackled the toughest case of his career. Abrams draws upon study after study and years of legal experience to explain step-by-step why women are better than men in just about every way imaginable. Women make better loan officers, hedge-fund mangers, live longer, and do better in school; women are even superior at assembling IKEA furniture and flying planes. The Case for Women isn't just the expression of an opinion, or a battery of them. It's evidence. In nearly every field, statistics show that women are better collaborators, more cautious, and more adept at navigating emotionally treacherous terrain.